Small Title

博士 / 碩士 / 學士 / 大學基礎班 / 大學文憑課程 / 英語課程
2月/ 7月
澳洲著名「八大」之一 Monash University - 位於澳洲墨爾本,擁有世界頂尖的教育水平。
Monash 是八校聯盟的成員和世界百強名校其中之一,八校聯盟是澳洲一流大學的聯盟, 為澳洲頂尖的研究型大學之一,以其卓越的教學和研究而聞名。在 2024 年 QS 世界大學學科排名中,大學在從 Physiology、Medicine、Marketing、Education、Economics 和 Pharmacy 等廣泛學科領域均位列世界前 50 名。
當中最為受港人歡迎的學科為醫科。此外,其藥劑學及護理亦是非常出色。大學更開設了 The Victorian Heart Hospital , 是南半球第一家專門心臟病醫院。
因為香港醫護不足,Monash University 醫科是香港首批獲得海外醫學學歷資格的海外大學之一。意味着合資格的畢業生,如符合相關條件可申請特別註冊途徑來港,於公營醫療機構擔任醫生工作,並在服務一定年期、取得認可專科資格及通過評核後獲得正式註冊在港執業行醫。
Monash University 成立於 1958 年。是一所現代化的全球研究密集型大學,在澳洲和整個印度太平洋地區提供卓越的教育和研究。60 多年來,Monash 面向未來的教育和研究一直並將繼續被公認為世界上最好的教育和研究之一。提供全面的學習選擇 - 本科 - 包括無數雙學位 (兩門課程的組合)、研究生學習和專業發展。大學的課程融入了研究和國際經驗,以及從本科生開始見證、學習和參與創業活動以及成為研究發現或應用的一部分的機會。
在 2024 年 QS Sustainability Rankings 中飆升 89 位,位居全球第 23 位,鞏固了該大學作為解決世界面臨的可持續發展挑戰的積極領導者和貢獻者在世界前 50 名大學中的地位。全球共有 1403 所大學參與排名,在三個排名類別中,Monash University 在社會影響方面排名第 13 位,在治理方面排名第 15 位,在環境影響方面排名第 43 位。
World Ranking 世界排名:
Rank#54 - Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024
Rank#37 - QS World University Rankings 2025
Rank#32 - Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024
Rank#35 - US News and World Report 2024 - 2025
Rank#23 - QS Sustainability Rankings 2024
Rank#77 - ShanghaiRanking’s 2023 ARWU
Subject Ranking 學科排名 :
Arts and Humanities
Rank#23 - Philosophy in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#64 - Arts and Humanities in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#50 - English Language and Literature in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank# 76 - Modern Languages in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#51-100 - Performing Arts in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#47 - Communication and Media studies in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#52 - Arts and Humanities in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#4 - Arts and Humanities in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Engineering and Technology
Rank# 2 - Engineering - Mining and Mineral Engineering in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#5 - Engineering - Mining and Mineral Engineering in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#1 - Metallurgical Engineering in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#12 - Metallurgical Engineering in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#1 - Materials Science and Engineering best in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017-2022)
Rank#2 - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2019-2022)
Rank#17 - Engineering - Mineral and Mining in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#34 - Engineering - Civil and Structural in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#43 - Engineering - Chemical in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#3 - Energy Science and Engineering in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#48 - Energy Science and Engineering in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#73 - Engineering and Technology in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#9 - Water Resources in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#42 - Water Resources in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#1 - Chemical Engineering in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017-2022)
Rank#48 - Chemical Engineering in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017-2022)
Rank#3 - Transportation Science & Technology in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#34 - Transportation Science & Technology in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#4 - Civil Engineering in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#43 - Civil Engineering in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#1 - Engineering in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rak#54 - Engineering in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#1 - Computer Science in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#52 - Computer Science in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#34 - Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Life Sciences and Medicine
Rank#2 - Pharmacy and Pharmacology in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#1 - Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#19 - Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#2 - Nursing in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#5 - Nursing in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#2 - Public Health in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#30 - Public Health in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022)
Rank#17 - Anatomy and Physiology in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#31 - Life Sciences and Medicine in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#40 - Medicine in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#21 - Nursing in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#31 - Sports-related subjects in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#2 - Clinical and Health in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#29 - Clinical and Health in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#3 - Psychology in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#29 - Psychology in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#4 - Life Sciences in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#59 - Life Sciences in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Natural Sciences
Rank#1 - Chemistry in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2020-2022)
Rank#40 - Chemistry in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#7 - Ecology in Australia (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2020)
Rank#33 - Materials Science in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#91 - Natural Sciences in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#6 - Physical Sciences in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#90 - Physical Sciences in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#49 - Geology in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#49 - Geophysics in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Social Sciences and Management
Rank#23 - Education and Training in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#51 - Social Sciences and Management in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#35 - Accounting and Finance in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#36 - Economics and Econometrics in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#21-50 - Marketing in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#36 - Law in the world (QS Subject Rankings 2024)
Rank#83 - Social Sciences in the world (Times Higher Education 2023)
Rank#1 - Best Global Universities for Economics and Business in Australia (US News And World Report's Global Universities 2022-2023)
Rank#17 - Best Global Universities for Economics and Business in the world (US News And World Report's Global Universities 2022-2023)
Rank#1 - Executive MBA in Australia (Financial Times Top 100 Executive Mba Rankings 2022)
Rank#67 - Executive MBA in the world (Financial Times Top 100 Executive Mba Rankings 2022)
Rank#top 1% of business employability education providers。Monash 是八校聯盟中唯一一所商業與經濟學院獲得三冠國際商業認證(AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA)的大學。
Rank#2 - Education in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#16 - Education in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#2 - Business and Economics in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#46 Business and Economics in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#5 - Law in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#64 - Law in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#4 - Social Sciences in Australia (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Rank#75 - Social Sciences in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2024)
Monash University 主要設有十個學院:
藝術、設計暨建築學院 (MADA)
未能直升大學的學生可透過其直屬學院 Monash College 的大學基礎班和文憑課程銜接 Monash University 的學士學位。詳情請留意 Monash College 的網頁。
Accomondation :
Monash 在 Clayton 和 Peninsula 提供一系列校內住宿選擇。擁有一間私人臥室,配備所有常用設施,包括一張加大單人床、書桌、椅子和衣櫃。除此之外,還有共用廚房和用餐區,以及公共社交室和遊戲室。
Clayton Residential Village -
集合六個宿舍大樓與 South East Flats 一起組成的 Clayton Residential Village 宿舍。Residential Village 內還設有 30 間附家具的公寓,供尋求更多隱私和獨立的學生使用。住在共享公寓式住宿的好處之一是,其結構和治理使居民能夠學會變得更加獨立和自力更生。
Peninsula Residential Village -
Residential Village 有五種住宿選擇,步行不遠即可到達大學中心。每個住宅在居住人數和個人風格方面都略有不同。每個住所的學生都應集體照顧自己的家園。這包括負責清潔住所的共享空間以及自己的臥室。住宅服務中心提供清潔用品,幫助學生保持公寓乾淨整潔。