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South Australian Government Schools















南澳州政府學校成立於1989年以。位於Adelaide(阿得雷德)都市,有近 150 所獲得認可的南澳大利亞政府學校提供International Student Program(國際學生項目)。南澳大利亞州公立學校擁有滿足學生興趣和職業前景的多樣化科目,以及培養他們的抱負並與他們一起實現夢想的教師。


政府學校提供多種學習選擇和課程,以滿足長期和短期中小學生的需求。 這些選項包括高中和小學研究生課程、出國留學課程和遊學。 我們的課程為國際學生提供資格和經驗,以豐富他們的教育並成功過渡到未來的道路。。

憑藉位於城市和郊區的世界一流大學、TAFE(職業教育和培訓)和專業機構——南澳大利亞為學生提供了無限的中學畢業機會。 許多學校為學生提供開始專業科目和課程的機會,作為與未來職業道路相關的課程的一部分。

南澳大利亞州公立學校展示了令人難以置信的設施,以增強所有學生的學習體驗。 在世界一流的技術和資源的支持下,學生可以享受促進高質量教育和社區協作的環境。 每所學校的設施和環境都是獨一無二的,但都致力於並始終如一地為國際學生提供安全和溫馨的學習空間。

Primary School -  5 – 12 years of age: 

南澳大利亞政府小學提供充滿活力的學習環境,鼓勵學生發展技能和發現新的興趣。 教室寬敞,設有專業學習區、電腦室和寬敞的運動和戶外遊樂區。


Primary school             Year levels                          Student age

    Primary                      Reception - Year 6            5 - 12 years

南澳大利亞政府小學名單 (國際學生項目) :

1) Belair Primary School

2) Bellevue Heights Primary School

3) Blackwood Primary School

4) Charles Campbell College

5) Clapham Primary School

6) Clovelly Park Primary School

7) Colonel Light Gardens Primary School

8) Coromandel Valley Primary School

9) Darlington Primary School

10) East Para Primary School

11) Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School

12) Edwardstown Primary School

13) Flagstaff Hill School

14) Forbes Primary School

15) Gawler and District College

16) Gilles Street Primary School

17) Goodwood Primary School

18) Hallett Cove School

19) Hawthorndene Primary School

20) Heathfield Primary School

21) Highgate School

22) Kangaroo Island Community Education

23) Keith Area School

24) Kidman Park Primary School

25) Kilkenny Primary School

26) Linden Park Primary School

27) Lockleys Primary School

28) Mount Compass Area School

29) Oakbank Area School

30) Paradise Primary School

31) Paralowie R-12 School

32) Parkside Primary School

33) Plympton International College

34) Reynella East College

35) Rose Park Primary School

36) Roxby Downs Area School

37) St Leonards Primary School

38) Stradbroke School

39) Sturt Street Community School

40) Surrey Downs Primary School

41) The Heights School

42) Thorndon Park Primary School

43) Vale Park Primary School

44) West Beach Primary School

45) Westbourne Park Primary School

46) Woodville Primary School

High School - 13 – 18 years of age



    High school               Year levels               Student age

Junior high school        Years 7 - 9               13 - 15 years

Senior high school      Years 10 - 12               16 - 18 years

南澳大利亞政府中學名單 (國際學生項目) :

1) Aberfoyle Park High School

2) Adelaide High School

3) Adelaide Secondary School of English

4) Australian Science and Mathematics School

5) Avenues College

6) Banksia Park International High School

7) Birdwood High School

8) Blackwood High School

9) Bordertown High School

10) Brighton Secondary School

11) Central Yorke School

12) Charles Campbell College

13) Clare High School

14) Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School

15) Findon High School

16) Gawler and District College

17) Gladstone High School

18) Glenunga International High School

19) Golden Grove High School

20) Grant High School

21) Hallett Cove School

22) Hamilton Secondary College

23) Heathfield High School

24) Henley High School

25) Kadina Memorial School

26) Kangaroo Island Community Education

27) Kapunda High School

28) Keith Area School

29) Le Fevre High School

30) Marryatville High School

31) Mitcham Girls High School

32) Modbury High School

33) Mount Barker High School

34) Mount Compass Area School

35) Mount Gambier High School

36) Murray Bridge High School

37) Naracoorte High School

38) Norwood International High School

39) Oakbank Area School

40) Orroroo Area School

41) Para Hills High School

42) Parafield Gardens High School

43) Paralowie R-12 School

44) Plympton International College

45) Renmark High School

46) Reynella East College

47) Riverton and District High School

48) Roma Mitchell Secondary College

49) Roxby Downs Area School

50) Salisbury East High School

51) Salisbury High School

52) Seaford Secondary College

53) Seaton High School

54) Springbank Secondary College

55) The Heights School

56) Thebarton Senior College

57) Underdale High School

58) Unley High School

59) Victor Harbor High School

60) Willunga High School

61) Wirreanda Secondary School

62) Woodville High School

Accommodation :

您可以選擇入住以下住宿安排 :

寄宿家庭 -

如果您年滿 12 歲或以上,我們可以為您安排寄宿家庭,寄宿在充滿愛心的南澳大利亞家庭中。

我們的寄宿家庭經過單獨挑选和認證,可以接待我們的國際學生。為確保您的安全和福祉,寄宿家庭中 18 歲以上的每位家庭成員都要接受 Working With Children Check。


  • 帶家具的臥室

  • 每日膳食(早餐、午餐和晚餐)

  • 使用共用家庭設施

  • 在您剛到校時幫助您上下學

  • 幫助搭乘公共交通工具

  • 幫助開設銀行賬戶(如果需要)



與親戚同住 - 您可以與內政部 (DHA) 批准的親屬同住。親戚被定義為父母、繼父母、兄弟姐妹、繼兄弟姐妹、祖父母、繼祖父母、姑姑、繼姑姑、叔叔或繼叔叔。

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