Small Title
大學銜接 / 碩士預備課程 / 英語課程
學校宿舍 / 自行租住
1月、9月 、11月
Universtiy of York是世界首屈一指的啟發性和改變生活研究機構之一。自 1963 年成立以來,York對學術卓越的關注已在全球享有盛譽。作為一所高績效、研究密集型的Russuell Group ,大學專注於卓越的教學和研究,在英國一直保持高排名,並在世界範圍內享有一流的聲譽。
我們以最高學術標準為基礎的卓越、平等和機會的創始價值觀在今天與University of York開學時一樣真實。 我們一開始只有 230 多名學生,現在有來自 150 多個國家的 18,000 多名學生。
York卓越的學術文化和開創性的研究造就了富有靈感的、獨立的批判性思考者。為學生提供支持性和包容性的學習體驗,並為他們創造在未來職業生涯中脫穎而出的機會。因其對性別平等的承諾而獲得 23 個Athena Swan awards,其中包括生物學、心理學和化學系的三個金獎。
你可以通過就讀University of York - International Pathway College 或者 Kaplan倫敦國際學院 Kaplan International College London (KICL)的預科課程升入University of York 完成學位課程。
UK Ranking 英國排名:
Rank#17 - Good University Guide 2023
Rank#top 25 - graduate prospects (Complete University Guides 2023)
Rank#top 10 - for research quality (Complete University Guides 2023)
Rank#17 - 13 subjects ranked in the top 10 (The Times Good University Guides 2023)
Rank#19 - 9 subjects ranked in the top 10 (Complete University Guides 2023)
Rank#21 - 6 subjects ranked in the top 10 (21st in the Guardian Good University Guides 2023)
Subjects Ranking 學科排名:
Rank#top 100 - in the world for arts and humanities (2022)
Rank#top 175 - in the world for life sciences (2022)
Rank#top 150 - in the world for social sciences (2022)
Rank#7 - Nursing and Midwifery (Guardian University Guide 2022)
Rank#10 - Biological Sciences (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022)
Rank#8 - Chemistry (Complete University Guide 2022)
Rank#4 - Forensic Science and Archaeology (Guardian University Guide 2022)
Rank#9 - History (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022)
Rank#8 - Psychology (Guardian University Guide 2022)
大學銜接課程 Foundation Certificate -
Business and Finace
Computer Science and Engineering
Humanities , Creative Arts and Media
Interactive Media
Law and Social Sciences
Life Science , Biomedicine and Environment
Mathematics , Economics and Actuarial Science
碩士預備課程Pre-Master -
Business with Law
Education, Media and Social Sciences
Management and Quantitative Skills
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre-Sessional English:
網上學士基礎課程 Foundation Certificate :
Business and Fiance
Humanities, Creative Arts and Media
Law and Social Sciences
Business with Law
Eductaion, Media and Social Sciences